Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Definition of "brand management" (according to Investopedia)

A function of marketing that uses techniques to increase the perceived value of a product line or brand value over time. Effective brand management enables the price of products to fit and build loyal customers through brand associations and a positive image and strong brand recognition. The development of a strategic plan in order to obtain a deep understanding of the brand, target market and overall company vision to preserve the brand value and brand equity required.

In my web travels I am on a video that explains exactly James Hickey Internet Marketing and its importance. Large companies depend heavily on organizations that have an intimate knowledge of Internet campaigns and marketing strategy, however, is the marketing strategy for small businesses is very important when you think of a startup or your small business is running.

Created over the years unlimited Artwurks many identities (logos) and websites for clients, and we want to, to emphasize the integrity of the brand and the importance of maintenance. Unfortunately, some business owners will get our recommendations and options to experiment with their new web presence, rather than implementing proven that the results they are looking NET techniques.

A great logo and professionally optimized website is only the beginning of a relationship you cultivate with your online visitors in the coming years. The effective use of social media is very important, because it allows you to increase the frequency of the message is transmitted.

I hope you find the video, if you have any questions, please contact us at


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